Different playstyle for each phase Early Game Playstyle Redemption will heal Vayne and damage enemies caught in the circle. This is an excellent item used during team fights or when Vayne starts a skirmish. Her ultimate makes Vayne like a tank ADC, and her polymorph is also pretty valuable for the early game as it can lead to a kill during the laning phase. Lulu extends Vayne’s lead to the enemy by enchanting and peeling for her at the same time. You have your ultimate to heal her wherever she is, and you have your passive to catch up to her if she is in critical condition. Late Game PlaystyleĮven if Vayne charges the enemies and tries to go on 1v5’s, do not follow her instead, stay at the backs of your tanks and heal Vayne from a distance. But try to stay safe because if you die, Vayne becomes vulnerable. Always stay at her side and heal her whenever she needs it when she does. Pretty much the same in the early game, except that Vayne can fight enemies now. Focus on river vision to assist your jungler in taking scuttler and dragon. Try to zone enemies away from minion range using your Q and E make sure that Vayne farms ideally by healing her every time enemies try to poke her. A single crowd control ability can quickly stop Vayne’s assault having this in your arsenal will guarantee that Vayne will be unstoppable. Soraka has all the heals and shields she can give Vayne, but the active effect of this item is just perfect for a late-game Vayne. Sorakaīabysitting champions is the specialty of Soraka, and that is the only thing you should know about her she has one of the best healing abilities in the game, and while she is alive and healthy, you will never see Vayne’s HP go down to 0. The bonus stats and attack speed you give Vayne will make all other ADC champions cry as they see their HP bars go from 100 – 0 in just a matter of seconds.Īlso Check Out: Best Way to Use Minion Dematerializer 3. Vayne becomes unstoppable in the late game, and you being on her side all the time is just immaculate. Your ultimate is also great when chasing or disengaging from enemies.

Once Vayne has her core items, try to find kills with her and boost her every time she is on a chase. Try to play safe and wait for Vayne’s power spike in the mid or late game in the meantime, try to poke your enemies with your Q from time to time but make sure you don’t use all your mana for it. Yuumi already has a powerful heal this item will make it even more robust, and she enchants on Vayne. Given enough utility items, she can enchant Vayne to insane heights making Vayne virtually unstoppable. Yuumi is the best enchanter support that can boost the movement speed of her allies and their stats.

When you’re not playing for picks, though, try your best to peel for her so that she can effectively take enemies down. Her late-game damage is just insane she can burst even tanks in a matter of seconds. Vayne can easily pick enemies off in the mid-game once Blitz hooks one. Mid Game Playstyleīlitz’s value doesn’t fall off no matter what phase of the game you’re in his hook already has so much value for the entire team, so try to roam once in a while but make sure to come back for Vayne. It’s easy to hit a Vayne condemn because you have your E that can knock enemies up. Try to a position where your hook can lead to a Vayne’s condemn one great example of placement is in the bot lane bushes or inside the alcove. Your hooks will determine if Vayne will dominate the lane early on or will she struggle to find a lead by farming minions.

The speed boost works excellent, especially when setting up fights in the bot lane instead of using your hook to close the gap between you and an opponent, you can use this item’s active effect so that you can hit the enemy with your hook if they try to use flash to escape your engage. The Best Item on Blitzcrank Shurelya’s Battlesong His laning kill pressure is high, which significantly benefits early takedowns, making him great support for Vayne. Blitz is also an excellent champion throughout the game and can be played aggressively and defensively. Blitzcrank is the king of the early game thanks to his rocket grab, one hit from this spell will guarantee a takedown or two summoner spell burns.