What began as an exploration of how a set of poems, a set of madrigals, and a set of instruments could give us insights into the aesthetic of a place and time led to the discovery of a gorgeous work of art which has never been recorded.įourteen madrigal-pairs (28 pieces!), 10 musicians, 2 readers, 1 engineer, and a space to record them in (not to mention airfare and housing). It is often abbreviated as NB, n.b., or with the ligature NB and first appeared in English writing c. The result of our week-long retreat was a multi-media performance of the complete book of madrigals, featuring contemporary artwork and dramatic readings of Colonna’s words, both in English and Italian. Nota bene is a Latin phrase meaning note well. In June, 2017, we were joined by guest Julie Jeffrey and a splendid quintet of singers to do a deep dive into Pietro Vinci’s 1580 book of sacred madrigals: Sonetti Spirituale, settings of fourteen passionate and ecstatic sonnets by Vittoria Colonna, the quintessential Renaissance Woman. We invite you to take note of the universal joys and questions embodied in the music we love. At a time when people were questioning their place in society, in the expansion of the known world, in the decisions of government, in their personal faith, and in the cosmos itself, polyphony reflected the human struggle to be both individual and interconnected. Nota Bene is devoted to the rich repertoire of vocal and instrumental polyphony that arose on the European Continent and England along with so many other new social constructs aided in large part by the printing press. Nota bene 247 - február 2022 Zváte prosím dar námu zrueniu OZ Proti prúdu v aktuálnej kampani, aby sme mohli naalej vydáva kvalitný asopis NOTA BENE, obohacujúce knihy pre Vás, Vae deti a blízkych, i pekné kalendáre NOTA BENE. translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn. We feel fortunate to play a family of instruments that allow us to sing and converse on so many levels.

Polyphony asks us to pay attention, to take note of what each voice is saying, to remark on it, enhance it, and give it back to the ensemble as part of an ongoing dialog. symbol sign Nota bene, vector Nota bene, N, B NB, notabene mark, note to pay attention to any part of the text. The four members of Nota Bene viol consort have been drawn together by their love of polyphony, and for its demands and rewards, both musical and social.
You can download the image below to print or share it with your friends through Twitter. Used before a piece of important information to make readers notice it. What does NB mean The above is one of NB meanings. Can we use Nb in email NB, meaning Note Well. In other words it seeks you to pay more attention to what is being noted. Nota Bene: Pay attention… mark well… take note… N.B (Nota Bene) is a Latin expression meaning ‘note well’ or ‘note well’ in writing. MHRA 'NB - Nota Bene', All Acronyms, 4 November 2022, Bluebook All Acronyms, NB - Nota Bene (Nov. NB - Nota Bene, All Acronyms, viewed November 4, 2022, MLA All Acronyms. is a Latin abbreviation meaning 'Nota Bene', or 'note well' in English. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from Chicago All Acronyms. of NB) betekent: let wel en komt uit het Latijn waar het letterlijk noteer goed betekent, oftewel neem hier goede notitie van. Please use the following to spread the word:ĪPA All Acronyms. NB (nota bene) is a web-based collaborative annotation tool that facilitates communication among students and their instructors, centered around better.