As one of the more popular comments notes, "Let's be honest, Angel bunny had it coming."
In one of the animated adaptations, along with Gilda, other victims are The Great and Powerful Trixie and Angel. There's also the resident Jerkass filly, Diamond Tiara, amongst the victims. Asshole Victim: Pinkie had already killed Gilda the Griffon by the time she decided to go after Rainbow Dash. Which leaves only one pony capable of doing so, who just so happens to raise the sun. Even Twilight Sparkle would have been hard-pressed to do so. In regards to Luna being killed by Pinkie Pie, one story actually draws attention to how difficult it would be for somepony to actually overpower Luna, let alone kill her. Yes, the second most powerful pony in all of Equestria, who controls the night, has been captured, killed, and made into cupcakes by a sugar-hopped, partying earth pony. Anyone Can Die: Pinkie has gotten to countless ponies, including, if the above image is anything to believe, Princess Luna. This one is rather popular, if only because it's rumored to have been made by a member of the production staff. Animated Adaptation: There are many of these on YouTube and Newgrounds. Here, she's a cannibalistic psychotic murderer. Adaptational Villainy: In the official series, Pinkie is a cute bubbly comic relief character. This fic has also caused an ever growing amount of related fanfictions by other authors. There have also been several musical works dedicated to the Fan Fiction: Including a Portal 2 "Want You Gone" cross-over/cover (and a "Still Alive" cover ) and two tribute albums by Futret and Tarby, respectively. If you need a version to giggle with the ghosties with, this would probably be the one for you, though still easily graphic and on the disturbitude scale of Invader Zim and Ren & Stimpy put together. Not surprisingly, the fic is notorious among the fanbase, to the point where it inspired several pieces of artwork and multiple alternate endings.Īn alleged (former) Hasbro animator worked on this beauty in his spare time. Perhaps what makes this story so disturbing is that, throughout the entire story, Pinkie Pie keeps up her bubbly, cheery personality, cracking jokes and insisting that she and Rainbow Dash are having a party, even as Dash pleads and begs for her life. She then proceeds to slowly and brutally mutilate Rainbow Dash as described in graphic detail, eventually killing her.
She reveals that she has killed many other ponies and then tells Rainbow Dash that "her number came up". Pinkie Pie appears wearing a dress made from pony flesh and a necklace of unicorn horns.
Rainbow Dash discovers too late that the cupcake was drugged she wakes up some time later strapped to a table in a darkened room decorated up like a party, but in place of streamers and balloons are blood, bones and body parts. Plot synopsis: Pinkie Pie invites Rainbow Dash to her bakery and offers her a cupcake. Cupcakes is a dark and extremely gory Dark Fic of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic by Sergeant Sprinkles.